1. Two activities you must try when visiting a famous landmark in a foreign country.
2. Two things you must do before applying for a visa.
3. One thing you mustn't forget to bring when traveling internationally.
4. One activity you should do to make friends in a new country.
5. Two items you should pack in your checked luggage rather than your carry-on.
6. One thing you're supposed to do if you encounter a problem with your accommodation while traveling.
7. One thing you should keep in mind when using public transportation in a new city.
8. One thing you mustn't do when navigating through a crowded market.
9. One thing you should do if you feel homesick while living in another country.
10. Two safety precautions you should take when exploring unfamiliar areas.
11. One thing you don't have to worry about if you book a guided tour.
12. Two essential items you should have in your carry-on bag for long flights.
13. One thing you ought to do if you encounter a language barrier during your travels.
14. Two things you have to declare at customs when entering a foreign country.
15. Two documents you have to provide when applying for a long-term visa in another country.
16. One thing you have to do if you miss your connecting flight while traveling internationally.
17. One thing you have to consider when choosing accommodation options for your trip.
18. One thing you should remember to do before leaving your accommodation for the day.
19. Two things you must do and two things you mustn't do when you are driving.
20. Two things you must do before you catch a plane.
21. Three things you don't have to do when you are on holiday.