1. If she had accepted the job offer in another city, ...
2. He wouldn't have been able to afford his dream car if...
3. If they had moved to the countryside, ...
4. He would have pursued a different career if...
5. He wouldn't have started his own company if...
6. If he had taken that scholarship offer, ...
7. She would have pursued her passion for art if...
8. If she had followed her instincts, ...
9. She wouldn't have relocated to another city...
10. He wouldn't have met his future business partner if...
11. If they hadn't renovated their house, ...
12. He wouldn't have become a successful entrepreneur if ...
13. If they had sold their house before the market crash, ...
14. He would have experienced a different culture firsthand if...
15. They might have avoided misunderstandings if...
16. If we hadn't decided to travel abroad, ...
17. If he hadn't been dissatisfied with corporate life, ...
18. If she hadn't made the difficult decision, ...